Pogo verklagt Marilyn Manson auf 20 Millionen Dollar

  • Naja, Kleinkrieg? Hier wird schon viel gemoppert... Aber nun jut... Jeder wie er es mag

    [blink]~Alleine in der Nacht~[/blink]

    Fuck you because I loved you
    Fuck you for loving you too
    I don't need a reason to hate you the way I do.
    Fuck you because I loved you
    Fuck you for loving you too
    I don't need a reason to hate you the way I do.

  • Ich habe mir auch nie angemaßt die Situation zu bewerden, das sage ich jetzt auch noch mal!

    Aber mein Gott, wenn du darüber nicht disskutieren möchtest weil es dich nicht interessiert oder du es abern findest, dann lass diesen Therad einfach zu und lass den anderen doch den 'spaß'!

    Ist doch besser die Leute machen sich hier rüber Sorgen, als wenn sie selbst schwerere Probleme hätte. Dann lieber so was unwichtiges...

    Multi homines memoriam neglegere videntur&Nam amicis adesse et prodesse boni amici est:hurr:

    Dreams are ten a penny - but they keep us going on ... :begräbnis

  • ein "kleiner" überblick über die anschuldigungen und ne zusammenfassung über den inhalt der klage (gepostet im mansonusa forum.)

    Usually I never post on forums, but I felt compelled to mention some of this after reading the actual claim document. Honestly, if this claim is proven to be true and it looks like it very well might, I don't know if I can even say anything good or positive about Manson ever again.

    And before anyone says that I don't know what I'm talking about, this is public record. It's available for anyone to purchase and download off the Los Angeles Superior Court website - just do a case search under Stephen Bier. The document is 102 pages and it'll cost you about $15. It states there will be future hearings in October. I would upload the pdf attachment, but it's too big and it's late and I'm not sure how to split the file up.

    There are 24 counts brought against Warner, Manson Records, Inc., various business management firms, Ciulla Management, Satan's Bake Sale, etc. that include breach of written contract, violation of business and professions code, violation of civil code, breach of implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing, breach of fiduciary duties, conversion, intentional interference of w/ economic relations and dissolution of partnership.

    Basically, Pogo, Manson, Daisy, Gidget and Sara Lee Lucas formed a partnership agreement in 1993 as the founding members of the band. All 5 of them were legal partners and had equal ownership rights when it comes to touring profits and merchandising revenue. Publishing/songwriting rights were divided according to these percentages - Manson (30%), Daisy (30%), Gein (25%), Pogo (10%) and Lucas (5%). This partnership agreement could not be terminated or altered in any way except by unanimous vote of all partners and is still binding to this day. As everyone in the band eventually was pushed out by Manson (according to the claim), Manson and Pogo ended up being the only remaining partners - every single other person that was in the band other than these 5 original partners were legally considered to be employees rather than partners and were paid a salary rather than shared any ownership rights.

    Claims up to 1996/97 - Manson attempted to take complete control over the partnership by taking steps to rid the partnership of its members - by then everyone who was an original partner was gone except for Pogo and Manson. Up to the time ACS became huge, the band was operating in the red and it states that everyone in the band had to rely solely on a regular job to get by (interestingly, except for Manson who was supported financially by his parents).

    Keep in mind that Daisy's eventual lawsuit was against the partnership consisting of at that time only Manson and Pogo. This is important in that Manson several times convinced Pogo that a huge chunk of the money went towards the settlement.

    Throughout the rest of the 90s as they were touring almost constantly, Pogo was making an approximate annual salary of $70,000. I kid you not. He repeatedly asked Manson why other band members (who were deemed employees, not partners) were making a higher salary (who and amounts not stated), Manson's response was that as original partners/owners they are earning a larger chunk of the pie so to speak. Since most daily expenses like food, accomodation, transport, etc. are expensed by the band for the purpose of touring, he never fully inquired about the day-to-day financial status of the accounts until he started to notice Manson's extravagant spending.

    The whole Nazi collectibles thing, the taxidermy, the ring and the wedding are for the most part irrelevant in and of themselves - they're only listed once to demonstrate that Manson had funds available to him signficantly higher than Pogo thought the band was bringing in. Also part of the claim is that he was denied access to account records, paperwork, statements, accounting, etc. by Manson, Ciulla, and various other band business management/accounting partners. Essentially, after Pogo started demanding to know where the money was and what was going on, is when Manson started his campaign to remove him (as he at that point was the only partner left and the only threat to Manson's having 100% stake). Remember, the other band members have no claim to the partnership - they're only employees. Pogo, as the only partner remaining was the only problem to Manson taking complete control over the partnership. Manson already owned/was president of Manson Records, Inc., Satan's Bake Sale, etc.

    Fast forward to 2005/2006 after many attempts to gain access to funds, records, etc. via management/accounting. May 2006 - Pogo is denied access to his own equipment which is all held at a band storage facility until the Oct 06 Halloween show. Manson at this point is fully concentrating on his gallery and has missed several rehearsals.

    Oct 06 - Pogo's worker's compensation claims for medical treatments (back, shoulder, wrist pain and cataracts) are denied and management claims that he's an employee and not a partner so they can't release any band funds to him. According to the partner agreement, Pogo tries to force them into releasing the funds, but they cut off all contact.

    Nov 06 is also the last time Pogo spoke to Manson. He asked him why as the only other equal partner does he not have access to his own money or any band funds and why his medical comp claims are being denied. Manson feigns ignorance and says he has no idea and will be busy with his movie and has no time for this. After this conversation, Manson never returns Pogo's calls, emails or anything.

    Keep in mind that throughout all this all instructions as far as denied access to equipment, the facilities, the comp and fund claims, are not only made by Ciulla, the management firm and the other accounting/consulting firms, but by Manson himself through letters and other official correspondence to Ciulla via Manson. So, meanwhile he can't even pay his mortgage at this point and basically his bills go into default.

    Mar 07 - at this point, cut off almost completely from all band funds and all band activities, except for an occasional check here and there, he finds out the band is recording EMDM without him. During the same month, by letter, Manson "fires" him via their management firm. The claim here is that he can't be fired as an original partner.

    And then it goes from there via their attorneys which brings us to the filing of this suit. By the way the original partnership agreement and other letters/correspondence are included in this document, so it's not like anyone can say Pogo just made that up.

    Und wer jetzt noch lust hat kann sich durch 102 seiten offizielle dokumente wühlen: KLICK MICH (pdf)

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von joker ()

  • Manson nicht austehn zu können und moderator in einen mansonforum zu sein ist so als ob ich versuche pressesprecher für bayern münchen zu werden und diesen verein aber eigentlich hasse! ^^
    aber bitte...

    und zum thema gibts trotzdem nur zu sagen das niemand von uns dabei war und somit keiner wirklich partei für einen der beiden ergreiffen kann! muss man auch nicht meiner meinung nach....wir sind ja keine scheidungskinder die gefragt werden wo sie bleiben möchten! gg

    Austria Wien Forever

  • Zitat

    Manson nicht austehn zu können und moderator in einen mansonforum zu sein ist so als ob ich versuche pressesprecher für bayern münchen zu werden und diesen verein aber eigentlich hasse! ^^

    ein moderator kümmert sich ums wohl des forums, von daher ist es wayne ob man manson mag oder nicht.

    von daher: böses stück 4 admin

    "..die Lösung aller fragen ist die Kugel im Gesicht.."

  • Zitat

    Original von Cryptogirl
    Ich bin gerade etwas geschockt... Ein Skelett von nem Chinesischen Mädchen???? Masken aus Menschenhaut... Bitte waaaaaaaaaaas?!

    nicht weinen.


  • Zitat

    Original von WoRm666

    Das ist zu geil !!! :weglach :weglach :weglach

    :weglach :weglach :weglach :weglach ganz meine Meinung!

    Sollen sie sich doch gegenseitig verklagen bis sie schwarz werden!! Hauptsache die Musik stimmt! Und das neue Album gefällt mir...

    You can kill yourself now, ´cause you are dead in my mind!

  • Marilyn Manson macht Hannibal Konkurrenz
    Bei einer Hausdurchsuchung wurden bei Marilyn Manson Masken aus Menschenhaut und ein Kinderskelett gefunden. Damit überschreitet der Gruselrocker endgültig die Grenzen des guten Geschmacks.

    USA. (JH) Marilyn Manson ist ein menschlicher Skandal. Seit Beginn seiner Karriere schockt er uns mit seinen extremen Videos und anstößigen Geschichten. Zum Beispiel war das Gerücht, Manson habe sich drei Rippen entfernen lassen, um sich selbst oral befriedigen zu können, ewig im Umlauf.

    Doch die neusten Meldungen über den "Horrormusiker" sind nicht nur schockierend, sondern sollen laut Sky News der Wahrheit entsprechen.

    Bei einer Hausdurchsuchung sollen neben einem Kinderskelett auch Masken aus menschlicher Haut gefunden worden sein. Abgerundet wurde der Ort des Grauens durch eine große Sammlung ausgestopfter Tiere. Darunter befinden sich auch ein Grizzly-Bär und zwei Paviane, deren Besitz illegal ist.

    Bekannt wurde der Skandal nach dem der Keyboarder der Band, Stephen "Pogo" Bier, Klage eingereicht hatte. Der Grund: Manson hab die Stücke seines Gruselkabinetts aus der gemeinsamen Bandkasse finanziert. Manson dementiert die Gerüchte vehement, berichtete Sky News weiter.

    Es wurde allerdings noch nicht, geklärt warum sich der Musiker die Stücke anschaffte, nur dass es sich bei dem Kinderskelett um einen chinesischen Jungen handelt.



  • Zitat

    Marilyn Manson gewinnt vor Gericht einen ersten Sieg gegen Madonna Wayne Gacyn
    Wie schon seit längerem berichtet, läuft seit einigen Monaten ein Rechtsstreit zwischen Marilyn Manson und seinem ehemaligen Bandmitglied Madonna Wayne Gacy ("Pogo"). Es geht wie meistens um das eine: Geld.
    Als ersten Sieg darf Marilyn Manson verbuchen, dass seine Finanz-Details erstmal privat bleiben. Gacy hatte Manson verklagt, weil dieser angeblich das Geld der Band mit seiner Drogenabhängigkeit, seinen skurillen Hobbies und der Ehe mit Dita von Teese verprasst hätte und er selbst, bis 2007 als Keyboarder von Marilyn Manson tätig, dagegen keinen einzigen Cent des eingenommenen Geldes je zu Gesicht bekommen habe..... [....]

    Quelle: http://www.mansonworld.com

    Naja immerhin .... :D

    we hate love
    we love hate

  • Zitat

    Original von AngieSixx
    echt scheiße, kann nur hoffen das dass nicht stimmt,.........

    Und wenn es stimmt, dann... :wall

    Die Sache mit der Menschenhaut erinnert mich ganz stark an die NS-Zeit. Mal so ganz nebenbei. :rolleye

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