Beiträge von joker


    Original von blackcoma24
    Publicity in jeder Form schadet nie.

    naja, sachen wie "tiefpunkt seiner karriere" und "desolater körperlicher zustand" bringen sicher niemanden dazu sich für 40 euro ein ticket zu kaufen. :D

    haha, also der autor der BZ war garantiert nicht auf dem konzert. liest sich wie in der mittagspause auf dem klo geschrieben. und auf welchem album ist dieser "devar" song? ;) war in berlin.

    "Don't let me down, Berlin …", fordert Manson irgendwann in der Mitte des Konzerts, als der eingeforderte Applaus nur verhalten einsetzt. Als einem früher relevanten Künstler, der wie wenige das Timing für einen gesamtkünstlerischen Umschwung verschlafen hat, wünscht man ihm das fast: Mögen ihn die Wogen treuer Fans demnächst recht sanft in den Vorruhestand tragen.…manson/20091118/index.htm


    Original von DopeHat

    Aber naja. Die Eat Me Drink Me-Clips waren auch schon Müll ...

    och clipmäßig gings doch schon seit der golden age abwärts (saint vielleicht mal leicht ausgenommen).

    der anfang vom neuen clip ist doch eigentlich super. so konsequent öde...das hätte man ruhig bis zum schluss durchziehen können, dann wärs wieder kunst.

    das beste an dieser unglaublich öden story war die überschrift.


    It was Travis Keller’s strangest Christmas Eve on record; the writer and music know-it-all, whose merciless skewering of rock’s elite made Buddyhead the most loved and feared source of music criticism online, was enjoying the comfort of his couch, hanging out with a friend and watching some stupid holiday movies when the phone rang. “Can you get us some cocaine?” asked the voices on the other end. Keller was sober and declined. But it was Jeordie White and Marilyn Manson and they pressed on, urging Keller to come hang out anyway.

    When Keller arrived in West Hollywood at the Le Montrose suite, Manson answered the door, nearly unrecognizable. The shock-rocker stood in the doorway, wearing a Von Dutch trucker cap — sideways — and a white shirt covered in stains, pulled over his beer belly. It was a far cry from the pancake makeup, flamboyant gothic attire or bondage gear associated with the frontman.

    Keller busts into laughter as he retells the story, “I was like, ‘You’re Marilyn Manson?’ I remember thinking he’s going to come out with some kind of cape on. I’d never met him before and thought he’d be hanging out in a coffin. He’s nothing like that.”

    Inside the suite, Keller recalls cocaine spilling off the kitchen counter while a superparanoid Manson ran around in circles repeating, “Travis, don’t try to fuck my girlfriend. Travis, don’t try to fuck my girlfriend.” The off-limits girlfriend was a certain young actress, then just 20 years old. “They called her ‘Snowflake’ because I guess when they played shows, she’d hold all the coke,” Keller claims.

    While the rest of the party hoovered cocaine, Keller plugged his iPod into the stereo and cranked up Led Zeppelin. Manson told Keller he’d flown to the U.K. for the one Zeppelin reunion gig that November but got bored after the band played “Stairway to Heaven,” because it was the only song he knew. At that moment Manson may as well have painted a big, red target on his Von Dutch trucker cap. Keller exploded, “Poser! You’re in a rock band and you don’t know Led Zeppelin?”…-music-web-site-is-back/1

    hahaha. genial.

    a very important message from MARILYN MANSON:

    "I can, but do not need to defend myself And the absurd accusations that the average press has clinged onto. If we need a nude photo of me to prove that I am far different than the soon-to-be-murdered-in-their-home press has decided to fabricate, that is easy. But if one more "journalist" makes a cavalier statement about me and my band, I will personally or with my fans help, greet them at their home and discover just how much they believe in their freedom of speech. I dare you all to write one more thing that you won't say to my face. Because I will make you say it. In that manner. That is a threat. Mm"

    (ich habe keine ahnung wovon er redet)