Tote bei Damageplan Konzert

  • Während einer Show wurden gestern Abend Damageplan-Gitarrist Dimebag Darrell und ein weiteres Bandmitglied erschossen.

    Ein Amokläufer hat am gestrigen Abend zwei Bandmitglieder von Damageplan während ihrer Show in Columbus erschossen. Der ehemalige Pantera-Gitarrist Dimebag Darrell und ein noch nicht genanntes weiteres Mitglied von Damageplan fielen den Schüssen zum Opfer. Der Amokläufer selbst wurde ebenfalls erschossen.

    Augenzeugen berichteten, der Täter sei während des ersten Songs auf die Bühne gesprungen und habe aus nächster Nähe mehrere Schüsse auf Dimebag Darrell abgefeuert. Anschließend habe er wahllos auf Publikum und Band geschossen, bis ihn schließlich ein anwesender Polizist tödlich traf.

    Die Zuschauer dachten, dass es sich um einen Teil der Show handelt. Als sie den Ernst der Lage erkannten, rannten sie wortwörtlich um ihr Leben, um aus dem 'Alrosa Villa'-Club zu gelangen.

    Neben den drei Toten gibt es weitere drei lebensgefährlich und mehrere leicht verletzte Menschen.

    Dimebag Darrell, bürgerlich Darrell Lance Abbott, wurde am 20. August 1966 in Texas geboren.

    NBC News Video

  • Hab mich auch schon gefragt warum er das wohl gemacht hatt :-/
    Wird man aber wohl nicht mehr erfahren.

    "Austria is my favorite City in Germany."
    Evil Jared

  • Zitat

    Original von joker
    Auf hat jemand geschrieben das der Typ irgendwas von wegen "you broke up pantera, you ruined my life" geschrien hat.

    was nen Penner :-/

    "Austria is my favorite City in Germany."
    Evil Jared

  • dies ist schon extrem krank. da muss man ja wirklich angst haben, wenn man an ein konzert geht.
    Hab das hier auf der Homepage von Damageplan gefunden:
    Dimebag - Guitarist - Dead
    Chris - Tour Manager - Dead
    Mayhem - Guitar Tech - Dead
    Shooter - #### - Dead
    Cat - Drum Tech - Shot in Leg
    Sänger Pat Lachman ist mittlerweile auch an seinen Verletzungen erlegen
    Ich ging heute wie jeden tag auf und dort sah ich, dass die gange homepage offline ist und dass ein bild von dimebag darrell drauf ist.

  • quelle?
    Dimebag, der Schütze selbst und eine andere Person sind tot. Auf der Homepage von damageplan ist auch nur ein Foto von Dimebag, ich würd gern wissen woher du deine Infos hast ;)

  • ich find das so krass! und traurig. :(
    verstehe nicht, wie leute sowas machen können!
    wie kam der denn durch die kontrollen.
    is ja beruhigend, wenn jemand ne knarre mit in ein konzert-gebäude schleusen kann... :motz


    das LEBEN ist ein sexuell übertragener VIRUS der generell mit dem TOD endet. :weglach

  • Zitat

    Original von seine Sklavin
    wie kam der denn durch die kontrollen.
    is ja beruhigend, wenn jemand ne knarre mit in ein konzert-gebäude schleusen kann... :motz


    also ich wurde schon oft in konzerte ohne kontrolle eingelassen..

  • Hamburg, 10.12.2004

    Musikwelt trauert um Ex-Pantera-Gitarristen Darrell ,Dimebag' Abbott.

    In der Nacht zum 9. Dezember wurde Darrell ,Dimebag' Abbott während eines Konzerts seiner Band Damageplan bei einem heimtückischen und sinnlosen Anschlag von einem Geistesgestörten auf der Bühne erschossen.

    Die gesamte Musikwelt trauert um einen der einflussreichsten Gitarristen der Rockgeschichte, der u.a. mit der Band Pantera unschätzbaren Einfluss auf die Entwicklung der Rockgeschichte nahm. Neben Darrell sind bei dieser feigen Aktion drei weitere Opfer zu beklagen.

    Die Trauer über diesen Vorfall und das Unverständnis über eine solche Tat geht tief und führte zu ersten betroffenen Stellungnahmen vieler, die Darrell persönlich kannten oder seine Arbeit schätzten:

    "It is with the utmost despair that we extend our condolences to the family and many friends of one of the greatest guitar players to ever walk the face of this earth, Dimebag Darrell Abbott. Not only was he an inspiration to anyone who ever picked up a guitar, but he was one of the most genuine, big-hearted individuals you would ever have the pleasure of meeting. Dime loved to have a good time, and was never satisfied until everyone else around him was having one too. We are all still in an utter state of shock, refusing to believe that he is truly gone. Instead of focusing on the incredibly ugly demise of his death, let us remember the joy and strength he brought to all of us while he was alive.
    To Rita, Vinnie Paul, and all of those who loved him so much, we extend our most heartfelt condolences. We'll have a double black tooth in your honor brother. You will never be forgotten."

    Ozzy Osbourne:
    "Dimebag was a dear friend of mine. I'm absolutely beside myself with grief. I can't for the life of me understand why someone would do this. PANTERA toured with me many, many times. I'll always remember the signed guitar that he gave me at my 50th birthday party. My heart goes out to Dime's family, his fans and the other innocent victims who were killed in this senseless tragedy. It's just terribly, terribly sad."

    Jonathan Davis (KORN):
    "Darrell and PANTERA were one of the main reasons I joined a metal band. This is a tragic loss for the music community and to all who knew him. KORN is truly shaken and we want to send our deepest condolences to the families of the deceased."

    Abe Cunningham (DEFTONES):
    "We had the pleasure of touring three times with PANTERA. They treated us so well on the road. We had some great times hanging out with them. They treated us with open arms, especially the brothers [Dimebag and his brother, Vinnie Paul]. Darrell lived the music. We feel terrible, and our hearts go out to his family, brother and father. He was a legend in this business, and an unbelievable musician. He will be missed by all."

    Rob Zombie:
    "I don't know exactly what to write concerning the death of Darrell. This is beyond shocking and horrible. I still can't believe it is true. I got the call from my manager Andy Gould, who, along with Walter O'Brien, used to manage PANTERA and WHITE ZOMBIE.
    During the early ninties WHITE ZOMBIE and PANTERA were constant touring partners and I had the pleasure of watching Darrell perform with PANTERA easily over a hundred times. For those of you who never saw him, he was without a doubt the most dynamic guitartist on the face of the planet. He was truly one of a kind. A legend.
    Off stage, he was a cool, down-to-earth guy with the most bizarre sense of humor ever, half the time I didn't even understand what the hell he was saying. He spoke a language all his own - Dimespeak.
    The last time I saw Darrell was with his brother Vinnie standing in the crowd rocking out at a METALLICA show. I never got a chance to see his new band, but I'm sure he was as amazing as always.
    No one can replace a giant talent like Darrell, he will be missed.
    My heart goes out to Phil, Rex and especially Vinnie."

    Hank Williams III (SUPERJOINT RITUAL):
    "It just ain't fuckin right... Alcohol should have killed Dime, not a fuckin piece of shit worthless fuck with a gun trying to recreate the John Lennon's killing... This happened on the same day, if you didnt know... Dime will never die EVER!!! His style of guitar playing took metal to a whole new chapter in metal history.
    For those of us that were lucky enough to be around Dime as a person... or see him jam in no matter what band it was, you know he liked to have a good time... In his honor, crank up his fuckin music and get motherfuckin wasted on whiskey!!!!!!!
    And no matter what was said with all the shit talking between SUPERJOINT RITUAL and DAMAGEPLAN, that's all it was, nothing but talk!! If we had ever been in the same room together as both bands, it would have been cool. Kinda like seeing 'ole family....
    I'm sure there will be plenty of new rumors surfacing.....And fingers pointing at people to blame... But Philip [Anselmo, ex-PANTERA] and the rest of SUPERJOINT RITUAL are in a state of shock and blown away by this tragedy! We do not take this shit lightly... What this kid did is so fucked up its not even conceivable. May you burn in the hottest corners of hell, you pistol-packin' pussyfuck...
    R.I.P Dimebag. You rocked harder than you will ever know!!!!"

    Fred Durst (LIMP BIZKIT):
    "Last night was the 9/11 for metal to me and the metal community. Not only did PANTERA inspire me to have the courage to express myself they were also one of my main motivations to form LIMP BIZKIT. I am sad beyond comprehension. I mourn for the loved ones of dimebag and the others murdered. a living legend has been taken from us. life has permanantly changed for me as of last night. I believe everything happens for a reason and in no way do I understand the reason for this. I will be forever in his debt. RIP Dimebag."

    Lars Ulrich (METALLICA):
    "This is unbelievable. To sit here and talk about Darrell in the past tense seems so wrong, so unfair, so unjust, I don't even know what to say. My heart goes out to Vinnie, to their families, to the other band members, and to the families and friends of the other people that were killed or injured, in this fucking senseless act of selfishness and stupidity.
    In 1985 I was fortunate enough to meet both Darrell and his brother in Dallas on tour. The first thing me and my friend did as soon as that tour was over, was to head straight back to Dallas and hang out with Darrell and Vinnie for a long time, cuz they were the coolest mutherfuckers that we had met after criss-crossing the states for three months. That was the beginning of a friendship that was anchored in love, respect, fun, outrageousness, music, booze, sweat, late nights, early mornings, hangovers, headaches, pounding eardrums, sore bodies... the list goes on.
    There's a tendency in these fucked up moments to use the word 'I' a lot and focus on one's own feelings of pity and shock... so instead let it just be known that thru these eyes Darrell was incredibly warm, open, fun, nutty, forthcoming, talented, embracing, unpretentious, accommodating and he always had a very attractive innocence about him that obviously made him never threatening and always welcoming.
    Darrell and his brother were the cornerstone of musical adventures that were always groundbreaking, pushing boundaries, challenging to themselves and to their fans, respected by their peers and always true musicians' musicians, and today the rock world is worse off because of this untimely and senseless waste.
    Much love and respect and thanks for letting me be a small part of your life and I know you are already having fun and throwing it down with Bon Scott, Keith Moon, John Bonham, Jimi, Cliff B., and the rest of the musicians and troublemakers that you are hanging with so prematurely."

    Corey Taylor (SLIPKNOT):
    "He could take a riff that would take somebody a year to master and he could rip it off in seconds. He made everything look like he was playing 'Smoke on the Water' with one finger.
    He was one of the coolest people I've ever met. The guy just loved to laugh and he loved to make you laugh. And he loved to make you do something that you would never do in a million years. He was a guy that lived in the moment. His philosophy was, 'Let's do something that is gonna make us remember tonight for the rest of our lives.' And that's something I'm gonna fucking miss for the rest of mine."

    "Today is a sad day for music. LIFE OF AGONY are extremely distraught over last night's insane tragedy which took the life of DAMAGEPLAN's Dimebag Darrell. The band's hearts go out to the Abbott family as well as the entire DAMAGEPLAN camp. Dime, you will never be forgotten. We are all just speechless over here."

    "MINISTRY would like to like extend our deepest condolences to Darrell's friends and family and the friends and families of others who were killed or injured last night.
    Several members of MINISTRY were very close with Darrell and we are deeply saddened by the loss of this great artist."

    "Dimebag was an excellent musician and a good friend, a fucking great partner in memorable tours. We'll miss him very much. Our condolences to the Abbott family."

    "MACHINE HEAD are devastated by the horrific news. Our deepest sympathy and condolences to the Abbott family, DAMAGEPLAN and former members of PANTERA. Our thoughts are with you all."

    Derek Sherinian (ex-DREAM THEATER):
    "I think that this is such a horrible tragedy. I never met Darrell, but I admired his talent and what he stood for musically. My heart goes out to his family and loved ones."

    Scott Rockenfield (QUEENSRYCHE):
    "I did not know Dimebag Darrell personally, but this is a great tragedy for the entire music community. Concerts are meant to be a place of fun and safety, and this will stay on all of our minds for many years. Darrell will be missed..."

    Don Airey (DEEP PURPLE):
    "Deeply shocked by what has happened. I saw PANTERA play a few years ago at Wolverhampton Civic. They were brilliant, and Darrell a master of his art. Met them briefly afterwards, and they were charming humorous and low key. One memory of the evening is of a lone punter jumping on stage during the encore, then not having the courage to dive off. Most bands would have the road crew throw him out, but Darrell went up to him, patted him on the head, gave him a beer, and the guy cheerfully sat out the rest of the number on the drum riser. The man will be missed. My sympathies to the family, particularly Vinnie."

    forum von

  • Zitat

    Original von joker
    Da geht man nichtsahnend auf ein Konzert und auf einmal ballert so ein bescheuerter penner um sich. Was gehtn. Bekloppte Welt.

    ja.langsam drehen alle durch


    dazu fällt mir auch was ein was ich im TV sah,aber das is diemal was von nem sänger...der wolte sich ne ladung heroin geben und sich dann mitten auf dem konzert ne dynamitstange in den po schieben(und anzünden) und das publikum mit in den tot reissen...
    ich hab den namen von dem sänger vergessen aber der schaffte es net weil er an ner überdosis starb...

    so viel zum thema:die welt dreht durch

    ich versteh nicht wie man so viel scheiße im hirn haben kann

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von ]\[egative ()

  • Zitat

    Original von joker

    Dimebag, der Schütze selbst und eine andere Person sind tot. Auf der Homepage von damageplan ist auch nur ein Foto von Dimebag, ich würd gern wissen woher du deine Infos hast ;)

    die quelle ist die homepage von damageplan (wie schon erwähnt)
    ganz am anfang war die seite von damageplan noch nicht offline. die page wurde erst später offline

  • tja..was soll man dazu noch sagen...RIP..
    schade das der typ nimmer am leben is.. :motz

    Ich nehm mir ne' Pistole...
    schreib auf die Kugel deinen Namen-
    & schieß sie mir mitten ins Herz!!!

  • anfangs hieß es ja auch Pat Lachmann wäre tot. wurde widerrufen, aber das verbessert die situation auch nicht.

    auf der beerdigung spielte übrigens jerry cantrell "brother" und "got me wrong"

    Stay if you please
    You may not be here when I leave

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