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    Manson nennt von Teese "verrückte Schlampe"

    Marilyn Manson hat gegen seine Noch-Ehefrau Dita von Teese gestichelt - und Männer gewarnt, sich von "verrückten Schlampen" fernzuhalten.

    Der Schockrocker und die Burlesque-Tänzerin sind seit Dezember getrennt. Vor kurzem hatte der Sänger das Scheitern der Ehe damit erklärt, dass von Teese ihn unbedingt ändern wollte und er am Ende "keine Seele" mehr hatte. Nun hat er offenbar einen weiteren Seitenhieb auf seine Ex-Liebste ausgeteilt.

    Manson: "Haltet euch von verrückten Schlampen fern. Verrückte Frauen können gefährlich sein. Wenn man sich mit den falschen Leuten einlässt, kann man Ärger kriegen."

    © WENN


    Markus Lion unveiled a prototype of Mansinthe, commissioned by absinthe fan, Marilyn Manson. The unnaturally green Mansinthe, sans wormwood and therefore legal in the US, was to have been released last December. Manson had said, "We hope to have it out in time for Christmas so parents can give it to their kids as a present."

    Source Movable Feast


    Original von xerxes
    pseudo bands?

    welche sollen das denn sein?

    hat er doch mal gesagt... warte.. *such such such*

    da isses ja

    "der Mansons Auffassung über neue, junge und populäre Bands wiederspiegeln soll: "Ich bin kein verbitterter Mann, der eifersüchtig auf diese neuen Bands ist, die aufstreben und mir den Wind aus den Segeln nehmen. Ich habe Donner und Regen erfunden. Ich bin DAS Dunkle schlechthin. Und ich bin hier, den roten Teppich zu räumen."

    zum metal.. wär doch schön...

    kommt echt raus?? :weglach :weglach sorry^^ musste sein

    ernsthaft... k..k..kkein metal?!
    bä.. :( :( :( das entsetzt mich zu tiefst..
    Ich liebe Mansons Screamgesang...
    ersatzweise hab ich lang In Flames gehört..
    naya...hoffentlich klingt dieser "Rock" nich zu sehr nach "Pop" =)
    aber eher nicht..,sonst hätte er sich ja wiedersprochen..
    wollte den "pseudo-Bands" ja den Kampf erklären..

    naya *vorurteile wegwerf* .. mal offen sein und drauf warten^^

    türlich stimmts...
    ich liebe alice im wunderland und dachte immer da war n genie dahinter... wenn mansilein irgendwelche versteckten genialitäten gefunden hat ^^ dann her form von einem album das monatelang bei mir rauf und runter läuft


    Furiose Dita will nicht strippen

    (ar) Marylin Mansons Verlobte Dita von Teese rastet komplett aus, nachdem ein Discjockey ihren Zukünftigen als "Freak" bezeichnet.

    Alles war so friedlich und sexy gewesen bei der diesjährigen Modenschau des kultigen Dessous-Herstellers "Victoria's Secret" in New York: Die Models waren in Topform, die Wäsche atemberaubend und die Stimmung hervorragend. Dies jedoch änderte sich auf der exklusiven Party nach der Show schlagartig.

    Der Grund: Ein Wutausbruch der Verlobten von Schock-Rocker Marylin Manson. Die attraktive Nackttänzerin, die ihre Strip-Show normalerweise wie Gott sie schuf in einem gigantischen Martini-Glas aufzuführen pflegt, geriet in völlige Raserei, als der Discjockey des Abends ihren Auftritt mit den Worten ankündigte, nun trete eine "Stripperin auf, die mit einem Freak zusammen ist". Nachdem von Teese sich daraufhin weigerte, ihre aufregende Show vorzuführen, setzte der Mann am Plattenteller noch einen drauf und rief die adrette Brünette dazu auf, "verdammt noch mal sofort auf die Bühne zu kommen." Wie die New York Post berichtet, war damit der Ofen bei Mansons Verlobter erst einmal völlig aus. Rasend vor Wut teilte von Teese den Organisatoren mit, unter diesen Umständen sehe sie keine Möglichkeit für einen Auftritt.

    Die aufregende Verlobte des Schock-Rockers Marylin Manson. mehr

    Erst als sich der Produzent der Show bei der Stripperin, die den Skandalrocker Manson noch im Dezember in einer düsteren Hochzeitszeremonie ehelichen will, für den "Mangel an Respekt" entschuldigt hatte, durften die anwesenden Gäste doch noch von Teeses sexy Show erleben.

    Erst kürzlich war bekannt geworden, dass das künftige Ehepaar von einer herkömmlichen Hochzeitszeremonie absehen und stattdessen eine Bluttransfusion durchführen will.

    Also, hier mal das Original von

    Everyone believed Marilyn Manson when he announced three months ago that he'd be throwing in the proverbial rock and roll towel to focus all his creative attention on film. Manson, the consummate rock star, was fibbing in a sense — but it turns

    Photos, audio and video from this story

    Personal Jesus

    Marilyn Manson
    "Personal Jesus"
    Greatest Hits
    (nothing/Interscope Records)
    out that it was all part of a much larger plan.

    "The time that people aren't expecting what's going to happen, I find that's the best time to really cause the damage that needs to be done," Manson explained. "I might have had to defuse people with a smoke screen of weakness and the idea that I was going to run away from music when I was really just trying to find the bullets for my gun — metaphorically, of course. But I was contemplating giving up entirely. It's a sort of philosophy that I find to be true that if your life is collapsing around you, sometimes you have to be willing to let go."

    But Manson didn't end up letting go. Instead he's been writing and recording in two different California studios with KMFDM guitarist and Manson studio bassist Tim Skold, keyboardist and drummer Pogo (Stephen Bier Jr.) and an assortment of other musicians — just who, he's not saying. Most of Manson's still-untitled sixth LP has been finished for weeks.

    "I feel as if there's more like three albums' worth of material, [because] I don't want to cram a long record into a place that doesn't have the attention span for that," he said. "I'd like to return to the old-fashioned records that had eight or nine songs [that] were all very important. Not to say that I made records that had filler material. They were all based around a central idea, and the central idea in this one is my pain and its ability to be unashamed to repeat itself."

    As for the musicians he's been working with, Manson said, "It's hard to call [them] a band because it's open and developing in a way where anything can happen. The songs have been ... a collaboration between Skold and myself, but we're at the point now where the people who will fulfill the positions that need to be there to make the Marilyn Manson of end times, the Marilyn Manson that, if it had to be the last form, this is the way it should be remembered — those people will stand forward and make themselves appreciated, and I feel like I've created an environment where that will happen."

    While Manson's been busy with the forthcoming "Phantasmagoria," a movie he wrote and is directing that looks at the life of "Alice in Wonderland" scribe Lewis Carroll, he's put that project — which will star fashion model Lily Cole as Alice — on hold for now. He plans to resume in January, after the album, which could drop before spring, is completed.

    Manson says working with Skold has renewed his passion for music. "[Skold] has turned out to be the guitar god Marilyn Manson always needed," he revealed. "His guitar playing is something that completely seduced me into liking [music] again. It was almost a naked woman to a man who's just gotten out of prison, because I felt like I was in a prison of sorts, of my own creation. I was preparing a hole for myself, really, and finding nice clothes to be buried in. Instead, the hole will make a nice place for people to wait [for] a V.I.P. party that's not going to happen, on their way to hell, and I'm just going to have a fashion show afterward."

    The music, Manson said, is the "most guitar-driven" and "most original that I've heard created. This record has a very unpleasant attitude toward itself, and I expect it to be — without sounding like someone who says this every time they make a record — something above and beyond and different — sonically, emotionally — than anything I've done."

    The album's lyrics, he said, were inspired by his muse, fiancee Dita Von Teese.

    "They have probably the most romantic feel to them," he said. "This is a desperate and crippling desire for romance — not in the romance sense of a Reese Witherspoon movie, but in the sense of living your life like a film and enjoying it that way. I've found a woman I can relate to. That's something — and I don't even feel sappy saying it — that, if anyone has that, don't lose it, because it's probably the only thing that you can ever really find any satisfaction from."

    Beyond Skold's guitars and Manson's pipes, Manson said he's been experimenting with various unconventional forms of percussion.

    "We created a snare-drum sound with a bottle of painkillers," he explained. "We often get sent to the house — the wife and I — an assortment of sexual marital aids that are also very useful as percussive instruments. When hitting a rubber penis against a leather couch, I found a bass-drum sound that's unmatched by any other."

    Manson also said he's launching an art movement called the Celebritarian Corporation. While he wouldn't discuss it in detail, he did allow that Celebritarian has been incubating for seven years and that "it represents the only place where art can possibly go after surrealism and Dada. There's an array of people involved — from Gottfried Helnwein, who is a fine artist, to Steven Klein, who is a fashion photographer, and Anthony Silva, a director and an editor. I've collected a group of people, and everyone has a role. I think it's probably the only valid attempt at an art movement since the surrealists. It's something that should be feared, but it's something I can't imagine not living up to its expectations.

    "I can't satisfy myself with just trying to tie all of my imagination into music, especially when music is not appreciated as an art form as much as it used to be," he added. "I'm trying to take this moment in my life where I could relax and be lazy, but instead it's a full-scale attack. My goal isn't to make money, it's to try and survive and make a point. I'm at that level where there's nothing left living for except doing some damage."

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